Confederate Manufacturers
Confederate Manufactures appear in
alphabetical order; each reference has been taken from text listed below the manufactures
section and may not reflect finding in recent years. This section should only be referred
to for basic information surrounding the maker in question. It is always recommend
that before purchasing any Confederate weapon, a complete analysis of the piece be
accomplished by a competent military weapons appraiser.
Augusta Machine Works
The Confederate Revolver attributed to the
Augusta Machine Works is somewhat of a mystery. Since it is not marked with a name, some
collectors question whether this is the revolver made at the site, while others question
whether any revolvers were manufactured at the Machine Works. It is a fact that the
Confederate Government had a factory in Augusta, Georgia, known as the Augusta Machine
Works, but what war materials it produced has never been verified. Other questions arise
as to whether 6-stop and 12-stop revolvers were made at the same place, and if so, why?
Are these revolvers of Confederate origin or not? This revolver is a close copy of the
Colt Navy, with a full octagonal barrel, brass trigger guard and back-strap, and a Colt
Navy-Type loading lever catch. The rifling has six lands and grooves with a slight
clockwise twist with no gain. It has a deep oval to the trigger guard, a finely checkered
hammer spur, a roller onto hammer, and a spring on the wedge. There are specimens in
existence, which have either 6-stop or 12-stop cylinders. The 6-stop or 12-stop cylinders.
The 6-stop cylinders have safety pins and a slot in the hammer face, while the 12-stop
cylinders of course, have no safety pins. The guns have assembly numbers on most parts,
but no serial numbers. They are called assembly numbers because the marks are not visible
on a fully assembled gun. They consist on one-digit numbers or letters, and there are
duplications on all of them. The dies used were extra large for a handgun. The marks
appear on the rear of the barrel lug beside the hole for the plunger, the top of the
loading lever flat, and the loading lever plunger. Other marks show up on the top of the
wedge, the rear of the cylinder between the nipples, the back of the frame beside the
hammer, and the front of the frame beside the hammer, and the front of the frame between
the locking studs. They also are located on the back strap, and the inside of the trigger
guard plate. A number does not appear on the rear of the 6-stop cylinder because the
safety pins are in the way. Without serial numbers it is difficult to estimate the total
number of Revolvers produced. A comparison with the Columbus revolvers offers some
possible conclusions. An estimated 100 Columbus revolvers were manufactured, and today
there are more Augusta revolvers in the hands of collectors than Columbus revolvers. This
could indicate that either more than 100 Augustas were made or that the end of the war was
near and so revolvers did not receive long or hard use, thus, the higher survival rate. It
is absolutely certain that the 6 and 12-stop cylinder pistols are of the same origin. All
characteristics, including the large oval trigger-guard, are identical. The rifling was
made with the same rifling machine and the assembly numbers and letters were stamped with
the same dies. Why produce both a 6- and 12-stop revolver? They probably started out
copying the 6-stop Colt Navy, then decided to adopt the improved safety device by the
12-stop cylinder. Was the revolver manufactured by the Confederacy? This can be answered
by looking at the brass on different specimens. Some were made with yellow brass and
others with the bronze-colored brass that is typical only of Confederate Arms. The gun is
definitely not European because it also has American threads on the screws. In Confederate
Handguns by Bill Albaugh presents two letters and a deposition stating that handguns were
made at the Machine Works. James W. Camak, an attorney at Athens, Georgia, wrote in March
1915 that pistols were made at the Confederate government-owned pistol factory in Augusta.
In a letter to E. Berkeley Bowie in 1918, Samuel C. Wilson, secretary, Department of
Public Health, Augusta, wrote "A pistol factory at Augusta between Jackson and
Campbell, Adams and D'Antignac streets, now occupied by the Augusta Lumber Company, was
operated by the Confederate Government under Major N.S. Finney, Chief of Ordnance on the
staff of General B.D. Fry, commanding the Department of Augusta. The pistol was
long-barreled, six chambered, percussion cap, paper cartridge, similar to Colts, and
considered at that time one of the best in our service." The description of the
revolver in Wilson's letter fits that of the designated Augusta revolver, including the
statement that it was one of the best made in the Confederacy. Remember too, that people
writing about these events in 1915 and 1918 could still get their information first hand
from persons who had lived in Augusta during the Civil War. In a deposition taken in 1928,
J.B. Patterson stated that he was a small child living in Augusta during the Civil War.
When General Sherman's army was expected to pass through Augusta, he distinctly remembered
that people flocked to the foundry, known as the Augusta Machine Works, to remove anything
left of value. According to his deposition, guns, cannons, heavy machinery and pistols
were made at the foundry, which was the property of the Confederate
Confederate Revolvers by Gary
Boyle & Gamble
Located on south Sixth Street, one block from the
old Virginia Armory, the above were in operation throughout the war and made swords of all
kinds. They also made knives and bayonets. The distinction between the two firms is not
known although it appears that Boyle & Gamble sold their property privately to
individuals and to such military outfitters as Mitchell & Tyler while Boyle, Gamble
& MacFee were strictly under government contract. Judging from survival ratio this was
a very large operation. Principals were: Edwin Boyle, Gamble & E. MacFee. The pommels
of the Boyle & Gamble swords are quite distinctive in shape and style of decoration.
Another distinctive feature is the pronounced "notch" on the top of the pommel,
this feature is only known to exist on the Boyle & Gamble swords. "Many of the B
& G swords manufactured are marked within the underside of the guard showing the firm
name and address, this marking is noted on Staff & Foot Officer's as well as Cavalry
William Albaugh, A Photographic Supplement
to Confederate Swords
College Hill Arsenal; Nashville, Tennessee
"Located on College Hill, Nashville, a private
armory was operated under the above name by L.T. Cunningham. Products were sold to the
state, the Government and to private individuals. Nashville fell to the Federals on April
1,1862 which ended Cunningham's activities but until then, all types of swords and sabres
were manufactured on a large scale. In the main, their cavalry sabres were a
direct copy of those made by their competitor, the Nashville Plow Works but, without the
inclusion of the firm's name on the underside if the guard and with the metal instead of
brass backstraps. A peculiarity of the foot, field and staff officer's blades is that the
cutting edge does not extend the full length. Instead, it begins abruptly about
three-quarters of an inch from the guard, much as do those on present day penknives.
Another peculiarity usually found is an unornamented pommel with the knucklebow junction
at its bottom rather than the midway. This has the effect of giving the pommel quite a
"high" appearance. All blades have unstopped fullers and when etched, such
decorations usually confines itself only to the fuller and extends the entire length.
Evidently Cunningham performed much of the firm's etching and is quite distinctive and
which sometimes includes the form of a monster and more often than not, the letters
"C.S.A." and a Confederate Sword and Bars flag. Some swords are to be found with
"C.L. Cunningham, Nashville" include in the blade etching, but so small as not
to be seen without the aid of a magnifying glass."
William Albaugh, A Photographic Supplement
to Confederate Swords
The Confederate States Armory,
Kenansville, North Carolina
"Despite its official sounding name this was a private, but
large enterprise operated by Louis Frolich. A wide variety of products were produced from
1861-1865 which includes swords, sabres, knives and cutlasses. The most recognized
Confederate States Armory Sword is the Staff Officer's pattern with "CSA"
forming the guard. The guards appear to have been manufactured by way of stamping, however
the are indeed cast."
William Albaugh, A Photographic Supplement
to Confederate Swords
James Conning; Mobile, Alabama
"James Conning, Dauphin and Water Street, Mobile, produced
many examples of edged weapons which include fine Officer's swords as well as cavalry and
artillery sabres under contract for the State of Alabama. These latter are stamped on the
reverse ricasso with firm name and address. This method of marking evidently appeared too
commercial to be used on his officer's swords. The maker identified many of these by
engraving his name and address on the reverse scabbard throat. In as much as a serial
number is stamped on the underside of the guard just in front of the blade. A peculiarity
of most blades, officers or contract pieces, is that the sharpened portion extends from
tip to about two inches from the guard thence graduating to a rounded portion such as
found on the back of the blade. A comparison between the products of this manufacture and
those of Boyle & Gamble indicates some common denominator. The extent of such strongly
suspected close connection is no known".
William Albaugh, A Photographic Supplement
to Confederate Swords
Cook & Brother New Orleans,
W.C. Cook and his brother, Francis,
both English citizens, opened a rifle factory at #1 Canal Street, New Orleans in
June,1861. The manufacture continued until the fall of New Orleans when it removed to
Athens, Georgia. All types of rifles and carbines were made. Apparently no serious
consideration was given to the making of edged weapons although a few cutlasses and sabre
bayonets were turned out in limited quantities. It is also reported that an attempt was
made to manufacture sabres "but they were crude affairs with an iron hilt of
Revolutionary type. Their manufacture was not a success and the attempt was soon
William Albaugh, A Photographic Supplement
to Confederate Swords
Cook & Brother-Part 2
"Cook & Brother produced firearms in New
Orleans from 1861 to 1862 and the Athens, Ga. From 1863 to 1864. The firm manufactured
carbines, rifles, musketoons, and swords. Englishman Ferdinand W. Cook, an engineer and
architect, and his brother Francis Cook started their arms company in June 1861. While in
New Orleans, their production was sold to the state of Alabama. Just before the move from
New Orleans on April 1, they accepted a large contract with with the confederacy for
30,000 arms. In April 1862, the Cook brothers loaded machinery on to two ships
to avoid possible capture by Farraguts fleet. They went from New Orleans to
Vicksburg, Miss. And then to Selma, Ala. The brothers than traveled from Selma to Athens, Ga. where they purchased the grits mill from the
Hodgsons family. Production was reported to be about 300 to 600 arms per
month. The markings on the lockplate for the rifles, carbines, and musketoons were
"Cook & Brother, N.D." or "Cook & Brother, Athens, Ga." and
next to this is stamped the serial number and the date. A confederate flag is stamped on
the lockplate behind the hammer. The serial number appears on most parts including the
screwheads. The breech of the barrel is stamped "proved" (upside down). The
barrels on the arms made in New Orleans were stamped, "Cook & Brother
N.O.". The Cook arms were well made and were very serviceable. The
inspectors cartouche is F.W.C which stands for Ferdinand W.C. Cook. The first arms
made in 1861 and early 1862 were for the sword bayonet, and later in 1862 , almost all
were made for the socket bayonet. Early guns had two-piece trigger guards and later arms
went to the more simple serviceable one-piece trigger guards. They used both walnut and
cherry wood with good inletting finish. All of the arms examined dated 1862, 1863,
and 1864. There were no 39" shot riffle, 24" artillery carbine, and 21"
cavalry carbine. The barrels were brown and Damascus. The twisted iron barrel is a visible
characteristics of all Cook arms. The source of iron for the Cook arms was the Shelby Iron
Anthony and Hills Pictorial History
Confederate Longarms and Pistols
Courtney & Tennant, Charleston, South Carolina
and Robert Mole & Sons, Birmingham, England
"The firm of Courtney & Tennant,
Charleston, were importers and naval outfitters. They did not manufacture. Early in the
war, George Tennant, one of the principals, went abroad where he purchased considerable
supplies for the Confederate States Navy among which were navy buttons of all sizes,
regulation, naval officer's swords and naval cutlasses. These latter two items were made
to order by Robert Mole & Sons of Birmingham, England, whose name as makers are
stamped on the back of the blade. The purchasing firm's name and address appears on the
reverse ricasso, stamped (two lines) in a rectangle. Mole also supplied
the Confederacy with a number of distinctive cavalry sabres. These were close copies of
the English cavalry Model-1853, but with all brass guard. These are also stamped on the
back of the blade (sometimes on the guard as well) "Mole"."
William Albaugh, A Photographic Supplement
to Confederate Swords
Davis & Bozeman, Central Alabama
"Henry J. Davis and David W. Bozeman made approximately
900 rifles and 89 carbines for the state of Alabama. In addition, they repaired arms for
the state. In November 1864 their contract had expired. The well made barrel are bolsters
are identical to the ones on the Dickson, Nelson & Co. and the Hodgkins arms. It
appears the barrels were made in Columbus, Ga. for all three gun makers."
Anthony and Hills Pictorial History
Confederate Longarms and Pistols
A.H. DeWitt, Columbus, Georgia
"A.H. DeWitt, a jeweler of Columbus, changed
his occupation to sword making early in 1861. The extent of this operation is not known
although he is reputed to have had a contract with the state of Georgia for cavalry
sabres, and offered to sell the Confederacy these weapons with belt for $20.00 per. Until
recently, his products had not been identified."
William Albaugh, A Photographic Supplement
to Confederate Swords
Dickson, Nelson & Co., Dawson,
"In 1861, William Dickson,
Owen O. Nelson and Dr. Lewis H. Sadler started the Shakanoosa Arms Co. in Dickson, Ala.
They received a contract from the state of Alabama for 5,000 Mississippi rifles (Model
1841) and bayonets. Records show that from October 1,1863 to November 1,1864 the state
received 645 rifles against this contract. Shortly after the armory was started, it had to
be moved to Rome, Ga. Here, it was in operation for several months until there was a fire
which destroyed the plant. Next the armory was moved to Adairsville, Ga. and then settled
in Dawson, Ga. around March of 1864. The armory remained in operation until the end of the
war. The Shelby Works supplied the iron for the arms made at Dickson, Nelson &
Anthony and Hills Pictorial History
Confederate Longarms and Pistols
Dufilho, New Orleans, Louisiana
"It remains for some future historian to properly establish
the background of this sword maker, but judging from his specimens still extant, his
operation was not as small as formally believed. Some of his weapons are stamped with his
name and address while others are totally unmarked and can be identified as his only by
direct comparison with those that are marked. It is possible that Dufilho employed the
same artist for blade etching as did Thomas, Griswold & Co., New Orleans. Such
an arrangement would not be at all unusual. It seemed to be common practice for firms
operating in the same town or city to share the same blade etcher."
William Albaugh, A Photographic Supplement
to Confederate Swords
Fayetteville Arsenal, Fayetteville,
North Carolina
"On April 22, 1861, the state
of North Carolina seized the Fayetteville Arsenal which was U.S. property. Governor Elis
of N.C. offered the arms stored at the arsenal to President Jefferson Davis of the
Confederacy. There were 32,678 muskets and 3,685 rifles confiscated. The
captures rifle machinery at Harpers Ferry in April 1861 was shipped to Fayetteville
Armory by June, 1861. At first the armory fabricated captured gun parts from Harpers
Ferry and converted flintlock arms to percussion. By the spring of 1862 the armory was in
full production. The early production rifles, marked 1861 and 1862, were made from
captured Harpers Ferry parts. The lockplate was made for the Maynard tape priming
primer, but not milled, and its shape was similar to the humpback Richmond lock. The
second production type lockplate is less humpbacked, dated 1862, and made form
Harpers Ferry parts. The standard type has a lockplate without the humpback profile
and is similar to the U.S. Model 1861 musket. Also it has characteristics "S"
hammer. The total production of the Fayetteville Armory was over 10,000
rifles. The brass mounted rifle was marked on the lock "Fayetteville, N.C."
above the eagle and "CSA" under the eagle. The locks were dated 1862, 1863, and
1864. The brass buttplate was stamped "CSA". The barrel breech was marked
"VP" with an eaglehead motif and the date. This is identical to the
Harpers Ferry barrel markings. The early rifles made in 1861 and
1862 used the saber bayonet with a lug on the barrel and after 1862 the socket bayonet was
used to save material. The Fayetteville rifle was a well-made arm. It was .58 caliber with
a 33" barrel and 49" in total length. The rifle was made with brass bands,
butt plate, trigger guard, and force-end cap. The stock was marked "JB" which
stands for James Burton, the Fayetteville inspector. Fayetteville also assembled a few
hundred Model 1855 pistol-carbines from the captured parts from Harpers Ferry. The
obsolete single-shot- pistol-carbines with attachable shoulder stock were produced because
of the tremendous need for arms by the South. These arms are very rare.
March of 1865, the Fayetteville Armory machinery was shipped to Chatham Country to avoid
Shermans troops. However, within two months the Yankees found the machinery and
transferred it to Raleigh."
Anthony and Hills Pictorial History
Confederate Longarms and Pistols
Firman & Sons, London, England
"In order to obtain military supplies and equipment from
Europe the Confederate States Navy sent Commander James D. Bulloch, C.S.N. to England
early in the war and his venture was highly successful. One of his main contacts
along this line was the old and established house of military outfitters, Firman &
Sons, 153 Strand and 12 Conduit Street, London, whose name and address is found
stamped upon the backs of the very rare Confederate navy buttons and also etched on the
ricasso of a few of the very rare Confederate naval officer's swords. The design of these
closely follow those described under Courtney & Tennant and it is probably that Robert
Mole & Sons made the weapons for both. Another type sword bearing Firman's name
and with Confederate markings recently turned up. Generally it follows the two branched
iron guarded British light cavalry sabre of 1822 from which our own dragoon model 1833 was
copied. The obverse of the 32 1/2" etched blade contains, as a portion of its
decoration, a Stars and Bars flag superimposed over an anchor (identical to the regulation
Confederate naval officer's sword)....The iron guard precludes the sword from being navy.
The anchor indicates it was not for the army or the cavalry, but related to sea service.
This leaves only the marines. We assume the "CM" on the blade back strands for
"Confederate Marines". To somewhat strengthen this assumption is an account of
the C.S.S. Atlanta, June 17,1863, Port Royal, S.C. "James Thurston (one of the
prisoners), 1st Lieutenant, C.S. Marine Corps has a sword and a in one it is, with
equipment's, made by Firman & Sons, 153 Strand and 13 Conduit Sts., London...."
William Albaugh, A Photographic Supplement
to Confederate Swords
J. F. Garrett & Co., Greensboro,
North Carolina
"The breech-loading carbine was
invented and patented in Greensboro, N.C. by Jere H. Tarpley. He received a C.S.A. patent
on February 14,1863, and his name appears on the barrel tang. He joined J. &F. Garrett
& Co. to make carbines for the state of North Carolina. The carbines were made for
about one year with their production amounting to only a few hundred. The carbine had a
very unique design which enabled this arm to be made with a file. The frame was unfinished
brass with a copper color. The barrel was blued and the hammer was case hardened. The
major flaw in the carbine was that it does not have a gas seal to prevent the escape of
highly erosive gases between the breech-block and the barrel when fired. With each firing,
the gap between the breech-block and the barrel would be larger. The carbine used paper
ammunition. Although the carbine was made mainly for the state, it was also sold
commercially. It is the only Confederate firearm sold to the public. The Tarpley was
attractive in appearance, but it was not very serviceable. Clap, Gates &
Co. was ten
miles from the Garrett operation in Greensboro. The hammer and other parts could have been
supplied by Clapp, Gates & Co." Dates of production,1863-1864, total production,
'few hundred'."
Anthony and Hills Pictorial History
Confederate Longarms and Pistols
Georgia Armory, Millegeville, Georgia
At the time of the War between the States the capital of the State
of Georgia seceded was located at Milledgeville. Shortly after Georgia seceded from the
Union the State Penitentiary at Milledgeville was converted into an armory. Here was
undertaken considerable repair of firearms already on hand, and on a limited scale, the
manufacture of Mississippi type rifles and sabre bayonets for the rifles. These last were
of two types: those with all brass hilts similar to those of the U.S. Model. The stamping
that appears on the ricasso of these is from the same die used to stamp the barrels and
lock plates of the rifles.
William Albaugh, A Photographic Supplement
to Confederate Swords
L. Haiman & Brother, Columbus, Georgia
"Louis and Elijah Haiman, Columbus, operate throughout
the entire war. Many and varied were the items they supplied the Confederacy and which
included: buttons, belts, camp equipment, revolvers and all types of edged weapons. Their
activities in the manufacture of swords is known to have been extensive. Despite this,
existing specimens are rare, probably because many have not yet been identified as such.
This that have been identified cover all kinds, types and patterns with a wide variety of
style and method of manufacture."
William Albaugh, A Photographic Supplement
to Confederate Swords
Halfman & Taylor, Montgomery, Alabama
"Halfman & Taylor of Montgomery, were military outfitters
and are not known to have engaged in any manufacture. Their name is most frequently found
on the backs of imported Confederate "I" buttons. Occasionally it is also found
etched on the ricasso of English made swords. The balance of such blade etching
consistently appears in a standard pattern of a floral design and midway of the blade, an
eagle with "CSA" on breast surmounted by eleven stars (one star for each
southern state), identical to those marketed by Isaac Campbell & So. It is
probable that Halfman & Taylor secured their swords through Isaac & Co."
William Albaugh, A Photographic Supplement
to Confederate Swords
Hyde & Goodrich, New Orleans, Louisiana
"Located at 15 Chartres, New Orleans, the firm of Hyde
& Goodrich was in operation as far back as 1853. Principals were: William M.
Goodrich, A.L. Hyde Thomas, Jr. and A.B. Griswold. Doubt may have existed in the minds of
many, both north and south as to whether the two sections of the country would ultimately
engage in armed conflict, but such doubt did not extend to Hyde & Goodrich. They made,
bought and imported quantities of war supplies. Some of their English imported Tranter
revolvers are noted to be engraved " Hyde & Goodrich, Agents for the United
States South." In August, 1861, the firm changed hands and thenceforth operated
as: Thomas Griswold & Co. and if unmarked would unquestionably be identified as having
been made by that firm so far as methods of manufacturing, etc., were concerned. One
existing specimen of the Hyde &Goodrich marketed swords and sabres of all kinds and
types but the only one known is a foot officer's sword."
William Albaugh, A Photographic Supplement
to Confederate Swords
Isaac & Co. (Isaac, Campbell & Co.) London,
Early in 1861 Saul Isaac and his
nephew Benjamin Hart, both of New York City, seeing the chance of finical gain, bought out
the old and established military outfitting firm of S. Campbell & Co., 71
Jermyn Street, London. Thereafter, the firm operated as Isaac & Co. They handled all
kinds of military equipment including swords. The firm was dissolved at the end of the
war. As they supplied only the South, all items bearing their name can be considered
Confederate. Although it is probable they handled many styles of edged weapons, the only
definitely identified as such are: the iron guarded English cavalry sabres Model-1853
which are stamped "Isaac & Co." on the back of the blade; and a few English
officer's swords bearing the former company's name (S. Campbell & Co.) whose
blades were re-etched with floral designs and an eagle with "CSA" on its breast
and surmounted by eleven stars, one for each of the Southern State."
William Albaugh, A Photographic Supplement
to Confederate Swords
E. J. Johnston & Co. Macon, Georgia
"The operations of E.J. Johnston & Co. of Macon were
quite sizable and as of April 1862, the firm was turning out "40 infantry swords, 40
naval and artillery cutlasses and 40 cavalry sabres a week." The firm continued all
through the was and all conceivable types and models were produced. The weapons made by
Johnston and William J. McElroy, also of Macon are strikingly similar in both style
manufacture and decorative design. The two firms obviously worked closely together which
is not unusual bearing mind they were the only two such manufactures in a small town. The
weapons of both were made with stopped fullers, and the blade etchings for both were
plainly done by the same artist in many cases. Another feature peculiar to both on some
swords is the absence of leather grip wrapping. Instead of leather, the wooden grip was
highly polished, lacquered and wound with wire. Until closely examined these appear to
have been made of horn rather than wood."
William Albaugh, A Photographic Supplement
to Confederate Swords
"The "Confederate"
single action Kerr is of .44 or .450 caliber, called 54-bore. A smaller size, 80-bore or
.36 caliber, was also made in limited numbers. Auguste Francotte of Liege was the licensed
fabricator and communicant of Kerr and made at least one .36 revolver, marked
"1" and clearly of Liege make with full proofs. But the majority were London
Armory guns, and were stamped on the barrel forward of the London view and proof marks,
left top quarter flat, with a tine L.A.C. The frame, to which the barrel was hinged at
bottom front, is stamped on the lest with an oval LONDON/ARMOURY. The back action sidelock
, detachable from the revolver frame and set into the handle, is engraved by hand were the
words LONDON ARMOURY co. and in the same right side of the frame below cylinder and is
hand engraved, is a mark of final acceptance as it is engraved after all polishing
immediately before bluing. The actual serial number of fabrication in the Kerr revolver
series is stamped on the front face of the cylinder, on the frame flat below the cylinder,
under the barrel strap over top of cylinder, and in the handle in the lock mortising. On
one "JS-Anchor" specimen the engraved number is 9239; the actual stamped serial
number, by which pieces were reassembled after being taken apart for finishing and then
returned from the polishers, is H 813, the H stamped separately from the 813 which from
its regularity on the several parts appears to have been stamped in some kind of a jig.
The wood under the lock is also stamped "H", but with a bladed tool
(screw-driver?) punched three times. On the front side of the handle, immediately at tip
of the frame tang, is stamped the initials JS over an anchor. The identical stamp appears
on other Kerr revolvers, and at the rear of the trigger guard tang of a London Armoury
.577 carbine in the author's collection, which was bought from a dealer who picked it up
"in Tennessee." The lockplate usually on London Armoury Company guns bearing
that imprinted cypher, is hand engraved by the same man who marked the Kerr revolver
cited, with London Armoury..... Although the Kerr revolver was adopted by Portugal, marks
denoting Portuguese issue are not now recorded by collector. It is possible the JS-anchor
mark is some Portuguese stamp. But the finding not only of Kerr revolvers but the Enfield
London Armoury Carbines from the Border states' backwoods with the same stamp, a stamp in
a location denoting final acceptance by the chief inspector, seem to confirm the Southern
use of the arm. The inference that the JS-anchor is a Southern mark and not the stamp of
some other purchaser is argued by a few experts; if so, it may have stood somehow for John
Slidell (Confederate Commissioner in Europe) or James Seddon, in honor thereof more than
any indication either had personally inspected the arm. While this is pure speculation,
the possibility that the "H" series of Kerr revolver serials were made for Caleb
Huse is quite likely. The engrave numbers are not, as usually supposed actual serial
numbers. There are numbers recorded in the firm's books in terms of sale; that is, Adams
and Beaumont-Adams revolvers, both single and double action, could probably be found in
the books in terms of sale; that is, Adams and Beaumont-Adams revolvers, as well as Kerrs
of both caliber's and both single and double action, could probably be found in the books
with brackets or groups of numbers assigned to be engraved. The stamped metal serial
number was for the manufacturing staff to keep track of the current batch of Kerr
revolvers; the engraved serial number was in a series of entire Kerr output and ran
consecutively with regard to model, a practice common to London gun makers, Holland, Westly
Richards and Rigby among others. The stamped number is a clue to the quantity made in the
batch, lot, order, or contract. It is also a clue as to the ration of engraved Kerr
revolvers to the total output only, regardless of model changes....
Civil War Guns by William B.
Kraft, Goldschmidt & Kraft "K.G. &
G.", Columbia, South Carolina
Early in 1861 Peter W. Kraft, a gunsmith, and his
brother, H.F. Kraft, a jeweler (both of Columbia) joined in forces to form the sword
making firm of Kraft, Goldschmidt & Kraft (the third principal has never been
identified). The result was some of the finest swords and sabres made in the south. All
types and designs were made. The blade on most are similar to those of College Hill
arsenal in that the cutting edge ceased abruptly about an inch before reaching the hilt,
much as in todays penknives. Another feature of their products appears to be their
disregard for the traditional design of pommel cap decoration. For example: most sword
makers were content with a simple ivy or laurel leaf design on either side of the pommel,
but many made by K. G. & K. are noted to have a different design on either side
(laurel on one side, oak leaves on the other). The firm also appears to have been fond of
the use of a brass ferrule at the base of the grip. At some point K.G. & K must have
located a number of Napoleonic war blades (French, Spanish and German). These long
straight double-edged weapons were rehilted in the firms own distinctive style. At
least three of such swords were associated with General Wade Hampton, C.S.A. One, he
carried himself, and the other two he presented to Generals M.C. Butler and Bradley T.
Johnston, both C.S.A.
William Albaugh, A Photographic Supplement
to Confederate Swords
Leech & Rigdon (Memphis
Novelty Works) Memphis, Tennessee
Thomas leech and
Charles H. Rigdon, principals of Leech and Rigdon, also known as the Memphis Novelty Works
(sometimes plain "Novelty Works"), are well known for the imitation Colt
Revolvers which they supplied the Confederacy. Their sword making activities have
never been fully explored. It is known, however that they were engaged in sword
making while in Memphis and later at Columbus, Mississippi, Georgia and at this point the
partnership ended. It has been established that the firm made 1,500 revolvers. No
estimate has ever been given as to their number of swords and probably never will
be. However, from the existing specimens their operations in this respect were not
small. Manufacture included all types of swords, sabres, knives, bayonets and
probably cutlasses as well. They are best know for foot officer's swords with
"CS" in an oval on the reverse side of the counterguard and for cavalry sabres
of same general design with the "CS" in an oval on the top rear counterguard,
although this last may have been copied by another manufacture, In addition to
these, they also supplied innumerable other swords and sabres of all designs.
It also appears the firm was not adverse to dressing up a sword made by someone else by
profuse blade etching which usually included a "CSA" and the firms name on the
ricasso. Some swords by this firm are found with "W. Rigdon /
etcher" on the blades. We assume that "W. Rigdon" was a brother of
William Albaugh, A Photographic Supplement
to Confederate Swords
W.J. McElroy, Macon, Georgia
"At the start of the
war, William J. McElroy, formally a tinner, changed occupations and went into the sword
making business and operated as such throughout the entire war. Wide and varied were his
products ranging from bayonets and bowies knives to all types of swords and sabres. In
addition, he also produced belts, buckles, spurs and canteens. Still in addition he
supplied the State of Georgia with 210 pikes in the early part of the war. There is a
marked similarity between the weapons of McElroy and those of E.J. Johnston, also of
Macon. Both have the stopped single fullers and of those that are etched, it is apparent
that both used the same artist in many instances."
William Albaugh, A Photographic Supplement
to Confederate Swords
McKennie & Co.,
Charlottesville, Virginia
"That McKennie &
Co. of Charlottesville, was engaged in the manufacture of swords has long been known to
collectors but specimens were never identified until recently. So closely do they resemble
the French model from which they were copied that undoubtedly some must presently be in
private collections where they are labeled "French". Only three specimens are
known to the author. These three are practically identical. All have the French type
blade; unstopped large fuller on both sides with an additional smaller fuller that extends
the full blade length. Still allowing the French style, the makers name and address is
etched in script on the back of the blade. One specimen was evidently etched of both sides
of the blade but is too worn to make out the design. McKennie & Co. began operations
in July,1861 and as of the spring of the following year, employed four hands and turned
out six swords per week. Not a large operation, and that even three still survive is
William Albaugh, A Photographic Supplement
to Confederate Swords
Mitchell & Tyler, Richmond, Virginia
"Mitchell & Tyler of Richmond were
jewelers and military outfitters. They did not manufacture. Their names are most commonly
found upon the backs of Virginia State seal buttons but they also dealt in a general line
of military supplies which include swords. In their employ was one William T. Ege, artist,
who enhanced the value of undecorated blades by the addition of various etched designs.
Ege also performed the same service for Boyle & Gamble. Many and various were his
designs but his style is distinctive and easily identified. Judging from existing,
Mitchell & Tyler secured the bulk of their weapons from Boyle & Gamble and many
swords by this maker are found to be etched on the ricasso "Made by Boyle &
Gamble & Co. for Mitchell Tyler, Richmond, Va." Also, as evidenced by photographs
that follow, plain English blades were embellished by the addition of etching the blade
with patriotic "CSA", etc."
William Albaugh, A Photographic Supplement
to Confederate Swords
"The Patent model cased sets
were manufactured by the Muzzy & Co. in Worchester, NY for George Woodward Morse, an
inventor who used these sets to promote his new breech-loading arm. Even though this Morse
Combination Rifle-Shotgun is not a Confederate Firearm, it was included in this book to
tell the whole Morse story. Morse held many U.S. patents on firearms. In 1861, Morse tried
to sell 6000 breech-loading carbines to Texas. These carbines were to be manufactured in
Europe; however, the contract was never concluded. At the start of the war, Morse became
the first superintendent of the Nashville Armory in Nashville, Tennessee. Here he began to
tool-up to manufacture his new design carbine. He chose brass for the receiver because
this non-ferrous metal could be casted and machined easier with semi-skilled labor. He
started making parts in Nashville in until February 1862 when the city fell. His operation
was transferred to Atlanta, Ga. where he worked with H. Marshall & Co., a sword
manufacture. In an article in the Atlanta Daily Intelligencer, dated December 13,1862, Mr.
Marshall presented and demonstrated the new Morse Carbine to the public. The article gave
a complete description of the carbine and its new cartridge. The Atlanta production
carbine was assembled from parts from the Nashville Armory and the H. Marshall & Co.
The number of carbines produced in Atlanta is believed to be between 200 and 400. The
highest serial number known for an Atlanta Carbine is serial #180. This carbine is
identical to the Atlanta prototype carbine except for its brass floor-plate and serial
number. Both carbines are .54 caliber and their measurements are the same. It appears that
the large serial number carbines were from Atlanta production and the small serial number
carbines were from the Greenville production. The lowest serial number carbine observed is
#425. The serial range for the Atlanta production was between one and 200 to 400 and the
Greenville production between 300 to 1025. The operating lever on the Atlanta carbine was
one-piece brass and quite heavy. The bolt head which contained the firing pin was also
one-piece brass. The action was only locked when the hammer was down in the fired
position. Upon close examination after testing, it was found that improvements were
necessary because the bolt face became eroded by the escaping gas from punctured caps.
Also the brass bolt face had begun to set back. Another fault which had to be solved was a
latch for the operating lever. When the gun was cocked and held up at a 45 degree or more
angle, the breech would open and extract the chambered shell. Some of the early production
carbines were recalled to the factory to have latches applied....
Anthony and Hills Pictorial History Confederate
Longarms and Pistols
Nashville Plow Works (Sharp & Hamilton)
Nashville, Tennessee
"Possibly because of
the so obviously reversal of the biblical injunction of turning "swords into
plowshares", the sabres of the Nashville Plow Works have long been treasured by
collectors. The distinctive hilts (on most) also identify the firm and include the letters
"CSA" in large block letters. The fine journal of the Tennessee Gun Collectors
Association recently published the fact that the firm was located on the west side of
eighth Avenue South, just north of the overhead railroad bridge. (Ross Calvert, descendant
of the Hamilton side of Sharp & Hamilton). Here from the war's beginning until
Nashville fell to the Federals on April 1,1862, were manufactured a large but undetermined
number of swords. Some cavalry sabres with crude brass strap knuckleguards have been
uncovered whose blades have stopped fullers stamped "Sharp & Hamilton, Nashville,
Tenn." These, however, lack the attractive quality of the distinctive guard usually
associated with the Plow Works. It was long believed that all castings of this guard were
from the same mold....This is not apparent...Some were cast with a relatively smooth
surface while others appear to be stippled or dotted. On some, the firm name is in large
letters and small on others. Of the approximate twenty-five or more of these sabres
personally handled, all but one had a brass backstrap (in contract to the College Hill
Arsenal's iron)."
William Albaugh, A Photographic Supplement
to Confederate Swords
Palmetto Armory (William Glaze & Co),
Columbia, South Carolina
"On April 15, 1851, the
State of South Carolina awarded Benjamin Flag of Millbury, Mass. and William Glaze, owner
of the Palmetto Armory, Columbia, a sizable contract for muskets, rifles and pistols. One
thousand sabres and one thousand artillery swords were included; "all arms to be made
within the confines of the State of South Carolina." Later the contract was amended
to delete the artillery swords and adding an additional one thousand cavalry sabres with
scabbards. These were made at the Palmetto Armory and were identical to the US,
Model-1840. All were stamped on the reverse ricasso "Columbia, S.C. " and some
few "Wm. Glaze & Co." on the obverse. Confederate Handguns raises a
question as to whether those sabers stamped "Columbia, S.C." are in fact the
product of the Palmetto Armory? The answer to this is a definite "yes""
Comparison between those that also include the name of the maker "Wm. Glaze &
Co." reveal that the "Columbia, S.C." is struck with the same die on both.
An additional question also raised by Confederate Handguns is whether the sabre
contract was ever fulfilled? The survival ratio strongly suggests that it was."
William Albaugh, A Photographic Supplement
to Confederate Swords
Pulaski armory, Pulaski, Tennessee
The State of Tennessee had
five armories located in Columbia, Memphis, Nashville, Gallatin and Pulaski. All five repaired and converted flintlock muskets to percussion for
the state and only the Pulaski Armory made a new rifle. The Sumner Armory in Gallatin,
Tenn. did make a Model 1855 carbine from mid 1861 to early 1862.
Anthony and Hills Pictorial History Confederate
Longarms and Pistols
Thomas, Griswold & Co.,
New Orleans, Louisiana
August 1861, the co-partnership of Hyde & Goodrich was dissolved by the withdrawal of
A.L. Hyde and the firm thenceforth continued as Thomas, Griswold & Co., corner Canal
and Royal Streets, New Orleans. (Henry Thomas, Jr., A.B. Griswold, A.B. Griswold, A.L.
Abbott, and Henry Ginder, principal). The firm sold all kinds and types of war supplies
but are known mainly for their wide variety of swords, sabres and cutlasses. Fortunately
for modern day collectors most of their products are stamped with either full firm name
and address or initials of firm and address, but their style of manufacture is so
distinctive that those that are not marked can be readily identified."
William Albaugh, A Photographic Supplement
to Confederate Swords
J.P. Murray
Before the war, John P. Murray, an English man, was a well-known
gunsmith in Columbus. When the war started, he converted flintlock muskets to percussion
for the state of Georgia. Eldridge S. Greenwood and William C.. Gray operated a cotton
warehouse business in Columbus. On January 17, 1862, they purchased a sword factory from
A. H. Dewitt to start their riffle, carbine, and saber armory. J. P. Murray was master
armorer at the new Greenwood and Gray factory. Columbus, Ga. Was the site of much
ordnance activity during the war. In addition the arms from Greenwood and Gray, the firm
of L. Haiman & Brother was located there, as well as a large Confederate arsenal and
depot. All of this activity of the Columbus Ordnance Department was under the command of
Major F. C. Humphreys. Major Humphereys initials appear on the barrels of the rifles
and carbines made at Greenwood and Gray. Greenwood and Gray sold part of
their production to the state of Alabama. Shipments of arms against this contract from
October 1, 1863 to November 1864 show that a total of 262 Mississippi rifles and 73
carbines were invoiced to Alabama at $18,335. The barrels are marked "Ala." with
the date and inspectors mark.
Anthony and Hills Pictorial History Confederate
Longarms and Pistols
Tallassee, Tallassee, Alabama
"This was the official carbine of the Confederate
States, adopted by a board of cavalry officers in the field in 1864. They were
manufactured at the Confederate Carbine Works, which was moved from Richmond to Tallassee
in July of 1863. This is the only carbine officially designed and adopted into the
Confederate Service. The factory was located 27 miles northwest of Montgomery on the West
Bank of the Tallapoosa River. The river supplied waterpower. In 1862, they started
operation to convert and remodel arms. In 1863, the factory was taken over by Confederate
authorities. With new machinery and personnel from Richmond, the new cavalry carbine was
put into production. The 500 carbine were not completely finished until March or April of
1865 which means these arms were never issued. It appears the "tilting breech"
Carbine could have been made at the Tallassee Armory. It was reported in a news article
that the armory was making a breech-loading carbine which looked like a Maynard
Anthony and Hills Pictorial History Confederate
Longarms and Pistols
The Virginia Armory
(Manufactory) Richmond, Virginia
"The Virginia Armory, also known as the
Virginia Manufactory, was located at the south end of Fifth Street, Richmond, and begun
operations in 1802 manufacturing all types of weapons which included sabres. Arms ceased
in 1822 and did not continue until 1861 when the plant was loaned to the Confederate
Government. At first made, the sabres had a flat pommel top and the blade as secured by a
square nut screwed onto the blade tang. The similar blades on these were 40 1/2 inches
long! The second model was essentially the same but with a birds head pommel to which the
blade tang was penned. Both models had identical guards and blade lengths but by 1851 the
latter were shortened to 36 inches. The artillery sabre had a reverse "P" type
iron guard, 30 inch blade with the same double fullers common to the cavalry model. At the
time of the war, the State of Virginia had on hand 3,675 of these cavalry sabres and 703
artillery sabres. Many of the former were in their original long blade length but many
were thereupon cut down to the more conventional 32-36 inch length and slenderized. As
originally designed, these sabres were to be carried by cross-shoulder sling and frog.
Consequently, the all iron scabbards were fitted at the throat only with a stud to engage
the frog. By the 1860 the style had changed-sabres were carried by belt and slings. Many
of the Virginia sabres were rescabbarded to conform with this method of carrying. Such
scabbards were of iron with brass ring mounts and rings. The throat and drag were of
William Albaugh, A Photographic Supplement
to Confederate Swords
James Westa, Sheffield, England
"It is reputed that James Westa of Sheffield
was under contract to supply the State of Louisiana with an undetermined quantity of
bowies knives. The contract was made shortly after the initial secession of the seven
"Cotton States" and was first fulfilled by fine bowies bearing as a portion of
the grip decoration the Louisiana State coat-of-arms (a pelican on nest feeding her young)
under seven stars (a star for each of the seven seceding States: Alabama, Florida,
Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina and Texas.) Later, the same motif was used
with an additional star for each state that had seceded. The bowies were supplied with
both horn and ivory grips and in various blade lengths.
William Albaugh, A Photographic Supplement
to Confederate Swords