


DIAMETER:  3.44 inches
GUN:  12-pounder Blakely rifle, 3.5-inch caliber
LENGTH:  7 1/8 inches
WEIGHT:  11 pounds 13 ounces
SABOT:  Copper ring
FUZING:  Wooden fuze plug, paper time fuze

The Federal Navy blockade slowed and often prevented the Confederates from receiving Britten projectiles from Great Britain. This Confederate-manufactured Read-Parrott projectile pattern was developed in an attempt to replace the difficult to obtain Britten projectiles. Notice the lathe dog near the fuze hole of the projectile. The excellent seven lands and grooves pattern of the 12-pounder (3.5-inch caliber) Blakely rifle is clearly evident on the thick copper sabot. To see an example of the Britten projectile click here.