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DIAMETER: 2.93 inches
GUN: 3-inch wrought iron (ordnance) rifle
LENGTH: 7 1/8 inches
WEIGHT: 10 pounds 9 ounces
SABOT: Lead cup
FUZING: Zinc fuze plug, paper time fuze

This Dyer example has four flame grooves cast into the lead sabot, note the lubrication groove above the sabot. Often the lead sabot of the 3-inch Dyer projectile became separated during firing. According to a letter found in the National Archives written by Major J.G. Benton to General Alexander B. Dyer and dated October 28, 1864, this problem was corrected: "...the old cups can be easily removed and good ones put on at a cost to the Government of 15 cents. There are about 55,000 of these projectiles at this Arsenal and I think that they can be made serviceable by Mr. Taylor's plan...Forty projectiles arranged in this way were fired without a single failure or detachment of the sabot." This specimen was picked up on the 1863 Gettysburg battlefield in Pennsylvania.